Dancing for life

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Forged in Fire

Founder of APROQUEN Vivian Pellas describes dance as one of her “greatest dreamscapes.” Inspired by her mother and grandfather, she enrolled in dance classes at a young age. Dance for Vivian Pellas is a tribute to life. It is a dedication to God for allowing her to live and letting her love and enjoy the laughter of her loved ones. Seeing her feet melted by the fire and running in terror fleeing the flames, gave her extraordinary strength that pushed her rehabilitation with determination, hence the idea, hope, and dream of building a dance studio, Studio Danza Ilusiones.



Asociación Pro-Niños Quemados de Nicaragua celebrates life with an annual Gala Show that honors Vivian’s promise to God to dance for the children of Nicaragua.  In this annual Gala Show full of color, hope, and magic dancers from Studio Danza Ilusiones participate and delight the audience with an artistic night for a good cause.