
Meet Esther

Esther Marotta never received a diagnosis of cleft lip and palate malformation during prenatal ultrasounds and follow-ups. However, at birth, it was evident that something was wrong. She was small and could barely feed properly due to the opening in her palate, which allowed milk to come out through her nose. Her mother, filled with fear, chose to limit Esther’s feeding to once or twice a day to avoid any risk of choking.

At just 3 days old, Esther arrived at APROQUEN, where a multidisciplinary team took charge of her care. Her mother was provided with the appropriate techniques to feed the child properly. Subsequently, the pre-surgical stage of her cleft lip and palate treatment began, which involved the use of a nasoalveolar molding (NAM) device. The goal of NAM was to reduce the cleft or deformity of the palate, lip, gums, and nose before the surgical intervention.



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