Silvia Segura Díaz
CEN-CINAI Coordinator
Cen- Cinai Costa Rica:
Lomas del Rio and Leon XII.
The impact we’ve observed following the ASOQUEM workshops is a heightened awareness among parents, guardians, and staff regarding the risks children face, risks that we as adults often overlook. Post-workshop discussions among parents reveal a proactive approach to identifying potential hazards at home, supported by testimonials attesting to this newfound vigilance.
In my view, these workshops are crucial for adults responsible for children’s well-being, as they underscore how even a minor oversight can profoundly affect a child’s life, especially in cases of burns. Hence, the importance of creating spaces where awareness is raised, particularly within communities served by CEN-CINAI.
Hello, I’m Kattia Soto, a teacher at the local office in Curridabat, Costa Rica. Today, I had the privilege of participating in a workshop organized by ASOQUEM and the Fire Department at CEN-CINAI Gravilias, Desamparados. The experience was truly enriching, covering crucial topics for both children and parents.
Raising awareness in our communities about preventing childhood burns is of utmost importance. I extend my sincere gratitude to ASOQUEM and the Fire Department for delivering the workshop in such an engaging manner, employing interactive methods like videos, explanations, and post-video discussions for both children and parents.
The methodology used was captivating and effective, leaving a lasting impact. I am genuinely thankful for the opportunity to contribute to this educational and preventive effort for our communities, particularly for those who are most vulnerable. Together, we can work towards preventing difficult situations that children may face. Thank you.
Kattia Soto
from the Curridabat,
CLocal Office of the Cen –
Cinai. Costa Rica.
Gabriela Palacios
CEN-CINAI Coordinator
Cen- Cinai Costa Rica:
Lomas del Rio and Leon XII.
Hello, I’m Gabriela Palacios, responsible for the CINAI in Zapote, Costa Rica. At our establishment, we prioritize the well-being of the 60 children under our care who are at risk or vulnerable. Recently, we had the privilege of hosting a visit from ASOQUEM, along with firefighters from Costa Rica and Fossil Land.
During their visit, the firefighters and Fossil Land team provided valuable insights into different types of fires, delivered in a dynamic manner that engaged the children. Through interactive games, they educated our children on burn prevention and basic first aid.
Cintia, a member of the ASOQUEM team, highlighted the alarming frequency of burn accidents among children, emphasizing that many of these incidents are preventable. Often, adults overlook common dangers such as leaving matches and cigarettes within children’s reach, not testing water temperature before bathing infants, or leaving children unsupervised in the kitchen. These seemingly minor oversights can have serious consequences for our children.